ড্রামে লুকিয়ে নরসিংদী থেকে সাতক্ষীরায় ১৭০ শ্রমিক, এরপর…
নরসিংদী থেকে ছয়টি ট্রাকে থাকা ড্রামের মধ্যে লুকিয়ে বাড়ি ফেরার সময় ১৭০ জন ইট ভাটা শ্রমিককে আটক করেছে সাতক্ষীরা পুলিশ। মঙ্গলবার (২১ এপ্রিল) সকালে সাতক্ষীরা সদর হাসপাতাল মোড়ে এ ঘটনা ঘটে।
সূত্রঃ বিডি২৪লাইভ
Satkhira Police have arrested 170 brick kiln workers while returning home from a six-truck drum hidden from Narsingdi. The incident took place at the Satkhira Sadar Hospital intersection on Tuesday (April 21) morning.
Satkhira Traffic Police Deputy Inspector Zahid Hossain said that in each of the six trucks, two drunk workers were returning from Narsingdi to Shyamnagar in Satkhira, covered with polythene. At that time 170 workers were detained from those trucks.
Their homes are in Vetkhali, Kaikhali and Ramjannagar areas of Shyamnagar upazila. The names of the suspects have also been verified. Investigators said Deputy Commissioner SM Mostafa Kamal said the executive officer of Shamnagar Upazila has been instructed to keep the workers detained in the institutional quarantine to prevent corona.