ফের আজহারী’কে নিয়ে আলোচনা – উত্তাল ফেসবুক !!
বাংলাদেশের ইসলামী বয়ানের জগতে ধুমকেতুর মতো এসেছেন ড. মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী। খুব অল্প সময়ের মধ্যেই তিনি জনপ্রিয় হয়ে ওঠেন দেশের প্রতিটি কোণে সব বয়সের মানুষের কাছে। এর মধ্যেই লক্ষ্য করা গেছে, তরুণদের মধ্যে আজহারীর জনপ্রিয়তা প্রবল। দেখা গেল তাঁর মাহফিলে আসছেন লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ, চায়ের দোকানে বাজছে তাঁর বয়ান, ফেসবুক ও ইউটিউব সয়লাব আজহারীর মাহফিলের ভিডিওতে। এমতাবস্থায়ই শুরু হল তাঁকে ঘিরে বিতর্ক, হঠাৎ করেই তিনি দেশ ছাড়লেন।
Dhumaketu has come to the world of the Islamic world of Bangladesh. Mizanur Rahman Azhari. Within a short time he became popular with people of all ages in every corner of the country. In the meantime, Azhari’s popularity among young people is strong. Millions of people were coming to his concert, playing his shop, tea and video on his Facebook page, YouTube and Saylab Azhari’s concert. The debate started around him, and he suddenly left the country.
According to a picture that went viral through social media from Malaysia, Azhari is driving a Bentley car worth Tk 5 million. Again, the storm of criticism came through social media. In this case, it is seen that the country is not at the top of the discussion. Mizanur Rahman Azhari.
The debate began with a video from Azhari. It is seen that he is freed by the identified war criminal Delwar Hossain Sayedee and speaks of the birth of a man like Saeedi from house to house. Shortly after this incident, State Minister for Religious Affairs Sheikh Md. Abdullah sharply criticized Azhari. The state minister said that Azhari is a product of Jamaat.
In the meantime, Azhari’s Mahfil was closed in some parts of the country, and his statement was banned. Azhari could not attend a pre-determined ceremony in Cox’s Bazar, Narayanganj, Nabiganj and many other places. Then, all of a sudden, he postponed all the festivals and headed for Malaysia for unknown reasons. He returned to Malaysia and came up with a new dialogue. He is really a devout scholar or a religious scholar can only answer this question in time.